Former aviation minister, Fani Kayode has alleged 100 Igbos were slaughtered Yesterday by Fulani herdsmen .
Earlier, it was reported about 20 were killed in Ukpabi Nimbo,Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of Enugu State, after armed cattle herdsmen, reportedly numbering more than three hundred, swooped on the sleepy community in the early hours of Monday.
It was learnt that the herdsmen had previously fallen out with the villagers over their grazing activities in the community.
The villagers alleged that most of the herdsmen that were involved in Monday’s attack were ‘imported’ from Nasarawa State by other Fulani herdsmen who were already operating in Enugu.
Oga your comment look uneducated,2 villages where attack by early hour with guns and you think the death roles can be acterin once.
They are hulani herdsmen and heardsmen are DSS
FFK is a stupid retard that does not think about what he says and what influence they have
Any igbo man who still stay in the north shouldn’t blame anyone, because sooner or later the igbos will fight back and those in the north will be the escape goat. A word is enough for the wise.
This people could be terrorists
So all igbos Biafra gra gra Na joke… Even in your land you can’t retaliate what a pity
This is getting out hand and it must be curtailed immediately. Cultists wasted alot of souls in the university when it was not called for, now their talents are needed to silence these cutthroats. Please let us mobilise our strong men and chase these heathens away. If funds are needed for arms purchase, let us all contribute to it. We shouldn’t allow our enemies take us unawares. Let the bakessi boys also be regrouped as soon as possible.
I can still believe this is happening o
Are u OK?
This is bad…God where are you….please interfere oh lord..
You guys aren’t getting it why must you guys respond to a comment if you guys can’t understand the comment
Na ur Papa b d cow nonsense
Hey mr man y cnt u push him out of d villa eyee?
So it’s the USA that’s sponsoring Boko Haram right?
Wise up and don’t be the last fool. Who will U fight, is it those that came in the middle of night and killed sleeping people and ran away or air which one do U want to fight. For sure as it stands now all the FULANIS cattle REARERS in Enugu have hidden out of Enugu otherwise secret killing of them will follow.
The igbos are in lagos doing motor parts business and hawking of gala and soft drinks in lagos traffic. This is what you get when you abandone your ancestral homes and stay put in lagos and other yoruba states. Go back to your erosion ravaged lands and defend it b4 fulani turns it to ghost land for you. Stop boasting about war all the time. Start the war now.
Kill the fulsnis if you can. If Buhari interferes remind him of the Fulani damage – If the useless pdp that ruled Nigeria 16 years had done better we woldnt have dared to vote apc. It’s everyone’s fault today – we the southern tribes are not united. Lets put aside our differences. The hausas fulsni herdsmen are brainless killers. Forget wat Buhari thinks make una wipe out the Fulani herdsmen once n fir all before clap enter dance.
Saidu so U are in support of your people killing others and they should not fight back and at the same time U called stupid igbo.
Very interesting, let’s see how it goes. Let’s see who will cry last and who will laugh last.
Woman if U don’t know what to contribute just close your mouth.
Who re the boko haram if not FULANIS? So keep quiet
Who are the boko haram if not FULANIS?
It beats my imaginations hearing people saying this attackers are boko haram and not FULANIS then my question is who re the boko haram if not HAUSA FULANIS? They started raping women in the farm from raping the started kidnapping and demanding for money and now their brother that their Buhari is president they now have full ground to do anything they like.
Ask yourself why Buhari have not one day address the issues publicly rather he keeps silence and millions of people are being killed every day.
That Igbos keeps quiet is not act of cowardice. It will happen and when it happen the world will hear it louder.
DSS I must to tell U that u are behind the killings for accusing Igbos killing FULANIS without any proof. But mind you whatever one do here on earth God will judge him with it. And that war you DSS is creating in NIGERIA if it starts it must touch U direct or indirect. I rest my pen.
Mumu plus ode and ewu.
@saidu u are de most useless Benue idiot I have ever seen, in Benue how many did De kill ur furfathers will b turning in there grave rite nw for the idiotic statement u just offered
Kriscross Lamboski u don’t really know politicians then, especially a NIGERIAN. If something doesn’t favor a Nigerian, he’ll try his best to sabotage the other party. In this case all politicians are guilty of this, they act like dey care while they don’t.
Rasaq at dis ur old age u still reason and talk like a child. Am sorry for u
If i were u I’d hide my face in shame because people like you existed in the past. So it’s only in Ibo land that the Fulanis have wrecked their havoc? Is Benue an Ibo land? Rasaq Seriki very soon u and all ur Boko Haram /Fulani brother would be things of the past.
@ success so u believe boko haram is home grown? Seriously? You think Shekau who’s just NCE holder is capable of causing a coordinated attack on a sophisticated Nigerian military? Low life boko haram are able to send an encrypted video that no IT person in Nigeria could break even with Nigerian latest military software? Have you asked yourself why boko haram tried to bomb British embassy but not for once tried dt with American embassy? My fried wake up and stop living in the 19th century
But why is the FG so weak?These guys promised to attack n they did it.So who protect the citizens now?Who gave dem arms?Could they nt hv been stopped?Is there no security agents in Enugu?God help ur helpless children
It’s time we start taking our arms and any where any hausa fulani are kill them all.very wicked souls.boycott buying their cows and business.
Igbo it’s time to start taking out our arms and ammunition.full stop and wipe this things called hausa fulani boko haram
Biafra is the only hope, and is now or never.
Igbo shine your eye
you will die while commenting rubbish and lies about the igbo, u inhumane,heartless, mohammad abdullah. I dont have any thing to say more since u decided not to have human feelings just of tribe and religion
Igbo’s are sabo thats our problem
But when they killed Yorubas, some of u people were mocking them saying its what they deserve and it cannoit happen to igbos.
But in reality why are the Muslim religion are so brutal.allways killing people is it what the Quran says to them?
Please please. ..I want to know the different between fulani Herdsman and boko haram..or they just changed their profile name?
Any igbo person that still buy housa fulani cow must know that he or she is eating the meat of his or her own brothers and sisters. Igbos are the one patronising this housa fulani herdsmen . So is time to boycott buying their cows, of which they will have no option but to go back to where they came from.
What’s the Governor doing about it?
bokos killing Nigerian people in the name of fulani herds men…You will hear the real hit soon if you dont take action now….do not say fulani herds men…SAY BOKO HARAM….pls dont misinform the Nigerian people to make them think its a little thing like a joke of security men….This people are boko harm and not fulani herds men, do not fool yourselves Nigerians….
Another one agina my God. .
You are right
ask your self that question if you are normal to believe Fulani killing people in their own land.
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This are buhari boys Boko collaborating with Fulani to islamize this country we Christian are to soft and we can easily keep mute and wait for mercy God to come down and help,how on earth do you think any nja Government will hear us out,,since the uprising of this issue has your so called buharia said anything this country is doomed and cursed but soon revolution will take place…… I can still remember last year Buhari transfer some Boko boys to Ekwulobia prison which at the long run they were freed maybe they are the current boko haram/fulani terrorist
When animals kill humans, mens are to get prepared to burn down the bush were all animals are living because animal have no future. R.I.P my beloved people.
Maybe, I mean maybe because many Yurubas are not to be trusted, Not all but large numbers.
Well spoken bro
U people need 2 fight back dis is pure wickedness
Shey na ghosts vote for Buhari? All the thousands of votes Igbos gave him and the millions of votes that our Yoruba land gave him nko? Una never see anything yet. Thank God the Yorubas are also getting hit.
The mistake we always make is when somrone speak hausa, we believe they are from northern nigeria. Hausa is a language being spoken in more than 30 countries in africa and even beyond. Most of these herdsmen are not nigerians. They are normadic people who migrates across countries and sometimes continents. They hardly have access to western education. God created them like that and their is nothing anybody can do aboit it.
@benjamin, when you called Nigeria zoo and the people living in it animals, you weren’t thinking like a small child then. Sorry for yourself.
@touchi, when you abuse other trobes you don’t see anything bad in it but when you abused you start ranting. Stop all these your bragging and start the war you have brrn calling for since.
Pls. Dnt dignify the statement made by dis rasaq or whatever he calls himself with an answer, 92% of mechanics here in Onitsha are dirty Yoruba pigs
They are mechanics with a proffession. Your own proffession is what? Baby factory, armed robbery, drug peddling, ritual killing, fake drugs, prostitution, internet fraud, yahoo yahoo……1 or all of the above?
Rasaq Seriki Yea i agree what i meant was virtually everyone who speaks hausa lives or came from the Northern part of Nigeria.And dont do that mistake God created everyone without Western education we all strived on our own to learn it they on the other hand bluntly refused western education thats why they are behind in all ways even in Ghana, Uganda, Sudan and they rest they all believed Western education was a mistake and if they say they are following the teachings of the Holy Quran and Prophet Mohammed they are totally wrong cos the Quran said go and search for more knowledge even if its inside the sea. they are just being lazy
Rasaq,u are nothing buh a big fat fool… Luk at your lousy comment,,,I wonder for you cos I know your children will soon disown you…you aren’t a responsible man.
God will punish buhari or whatever he calls himself
My people’s , boko haram don come Enugu not Fulani. is boko haram,
May God come to our rescue pls
This are not Fulani herdsmen ooooo
The blood of these innocent people will be on your head,,,,you fat fool.lousy Yoruba man….. Coward like you…
even d bible says ders time for everything, so then its time for judgement upon these animalistic hearted people. . . . since dey have no regards for God’s creation.
Wtf I’d wrong with these guys . all these are old pics . its all lies I wonder why ppl call death upon their land. Show us real pic of the incidents not fake
My guy its all lies . ask for the pics . cos these pic are all over the internet for yrs. Its a strategy to cover the incident of herdsmen they killed weeks back. Fulanis are very cool pppl my guy. But no ppl who don’t have bad ones. “Yoruba man ronu ni ki o to soro” have u ask urself some pertinent questions about these whole stories.?
All these pics have been all over the internet for yes. Show us real pic. Its all lies. Ask same question bfr u insult me. Have u not seen these pics bfr? We all know the ibos would have displayed the pics all over for the world to see. Only an injured man was on news daily. Pls stop calling death upon ur land
Where are we heading to? R. I. P
Have u not seen these pics for yrs on Internet? Its all lies . Fulani people are good ppl . their clashes are usually with farmers or communities who kill or rustle their cows. Its just out ofhate for the president cos he is Fulani.
Morenikeji S. Dammy so do u believe that hundreds of ibos were killed? 2ndly hw many ppl have fulani s realy killed in the past in the south? Ask question . the pics on display haven’t u seen them bfr? The news dailies has only one man in hospital todays paper. Its a cover for those fulanis they killed recently. U know the ibos they would display the real pics. Wallahi u do not know the Fulanis they are not like u think. No IBO man can send u real pics of dead bodies cos all these are all over the internet for yrs
Ashawo idiot. As if say na me kill them @Onyin sadson
They should go back to their own village,
God have mercy
D old fool is even married,na wa oo which family even allowed u to marry der daughter, sorry for ur in – laws.
So them don kill finish for north now na east be their next target, dear Igbo’s don’t let this innocent lives die in vain, every Fulani must be use as practicals & sent back to the north as a msg
@saddele,,, since you enjoy the killing of these psons,their blood will turment you for the rest of your life…. Amen
Nigerians not igbos. Please we need to stop segregation and fight the battle together.
Abdul Abdulrahman i agree that not hundreds of ibos were killed even the video i watched said they were over 5o and i didnt base my opinion on the pictures i have watched the havoc fulani caused in Ibadan, i have watched the one they caused in Abeokuta and i have another video from Aba earlier this year. am saying my opinion based on what i have seen and experienced not what they show me on print media
These so-called herdsmen are nothing but disguised terrorists and must be dealth with decisively and ruthlessly. And if one may ask: who authorised these criminals/terrorists to be carrying sophisticated weapons? What is the DSS & Police doing?
In your culture, marriage is a taboo thats why your ladies are into big time prostitution.
Na idiot u be. Una nor enjoy the burning of houses in Lagos?animalistic tribe. Make them bomb u self. Ewu
Terrible for your so called pastor to see it and not do anything to stop it,,,,even your pastor and his congregation couldn’t pray,,,,,, too bad!
Rasaq Seriki you are nothing but a smelling mad man. I can perceive ur ugly stench even on Facebook