Monday , 3 March 2025

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Home +OK News +OK 10 Solid Reasons Why Pope Francis Praying In A Mosque Is An Abomination To Christianity – Somto Monanu

10 Solid Reasons Why Pope Francis Praying In A Mosque Is An Abomination To Christianity – Somto Monanu


Its no longer news that Pope Francis visited and prayed inside the Blue Mosque in Istanbul but what people do not seem to realize is how this act

greatly contradicts the doctrines of Christianity well continue reading, You all know me by now my name is Somto Monanu and i am a Christianity Extremist, I will just proceed and go straight to the point, it is also important to note that Pope Francis’s predecessors, Pope John Paul II in 2001, Pope Benedict in 2006 all also committed this same Abomination so this article is directed to them all.

1. Firstly this is a direct slap to Jesus Christ and the The Great Commission in the Bible, The Pope is indirectly calling Jesus a very big fool who does not know what he is saying in Mark 16:15, Well read the below verse and see what Jesus says:

Mark 16:15 “…Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation16 “He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.…

This verse does not say ”Go into the world and worship God inside the shrine of unbelievers” is it that The book of Mark is missing from the Latin Vulgate or that the pope does not understand English this should not be a problem because the Latin Vulgate is written in Latin the Popes Mother tongue, well its obvious The Pope does not understand what Jesus was saying in that verse so we therefore need a Pastor to go explain it to him.


2. Islam Was Built On top The Falsification Of Christianity, Acknowledging Islams claim to legitimacy is indirectly Automatically Renouncing Christianity,I do not know when Christians will start understanding this statement, unlike the lies that Muslim tell Christians that Islam is Just another Religion who worship God in a different Way, their Quran and Islamic Traditions(Hadiths) say a completely different story, The Islamic doctrine teaches that Islam has been the religion Allah has been trying to establish since inception of Adam and Eve to Noah 6,000 years ago, to Abraham, to Moses to Jesus, only that the Message Allah kept sending kept on getting corrupt which lead to the establishment of 2 Misguided false religions called Judaism and Christianity, until 1,400 years ago After the last Prophet Allah sent called Muhammad Finally Succeeded, They are claiming that we Christians do not  regard Muhammad as a prophet because apostle Paul and his followers corrupted the Original Gospel (injeel) of Jesus Brought for only Israel Paul then deceitfully replaced it with the New testament which is filled with unreliable  stories, Lies, Deceits etc and has been altered so many times that we have so many bible versions. Muslims claim The Only true word of God is the Quran Which has not ever been Altered before and it has been the same way for over 1,400 years. You see the Doctrines of Islam all contradict the doctrines of Christianity simple logic tells you that it is Not in anyway possible that Both Christians and Muslims will ever end up in the same Place, Even the Quran Boldly says this repeatedly it clearly says all Christians are condemned to Hellfire Well i would advise you all to Pick up a Quran and Checkout the following Islamic doctrines The Quran teaches about Christianity:

a. All Christians Are All Misguided And Condemned To HellFire For Believing In The Trinity

Quran 5:73 – Surely, disbelievers are those who said: “Allah is the third of the three (in a Trinity).” But there is no ilah (god) (none who has the right to be worshipped) but One Ilah (God – Allah). And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall the disbelievers among them. So irrespective of the warm welcome by Muslims the pope received in their hearts they all believe if Pope Francis does not stop been a Christian A Painful torment Awaits him already.

b. Jesus Christ is Not the Son of God but Just A Mere Muslim Who Was A Prophet
Quran 19: 30
[Jesus] said, “Indeed, I am the servant of Allah . He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet.

Quran 9:30 – The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah “; and the Christians say, “The Messiah is the son of Allah .” That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy themPope can you see this??

c. Jesus Christ Never Died Neither Was He Ever Crucified

Quran 4:157 And [for] their saying, “Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah .” And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain. So if indeed Jesus Neither Died nor Resurrected then Christianity or rather Catholicism Is A false Religion so the Pope Is Useless to all Catholics and they should convert to Isam Asap.

d. Christianity is ”Shirk” The Only Unforgivable Sin In Islam

In Islam shirk (Arabic: شركširk) refers to the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism, i.e. the deification or worship of anyone or anything other than the singular God ”Allah”( i.e. worshiping Trinity[3 Persons in 1 God]). Literally, it means the establishment of “partners” placed beside God(i.e The Holy Ghost and Jesus as Partners Of Allah).

In Islam Christians are classified under the categories of idol worshipers, shirk is an unforgivable crime if one does not repent before death: God can forgive any other sin except for shirk. So yet Again According to Islam The Pope Is Condemned to hell for Committing ”Shirk” Associating Companions with Allah (Trinity)


3. Many would say the Pope’s main objective was an harmless one as a matter of fact he was only promoting peace and unity also he aimed at strengthening religious ties between Islam and Catholicisms(I am ashamed referring to them as Christians), Well my great grand father was a great native doctor who communicated with spirits in my village so why does the pope not come down to my village in Anambra state and strengthen religious ties with him in his Shrine? well any day the pope visits Nigeria that should be top priority in his list of agenda.


4. As an ex devoted catholic who attended catechism and graduated from holy communion and confirmation classes i feel betrayed by the Pope, i mean we where taught that Jesus said in the bible that he was the only way to His Father in Heaven.

John 14:6 – “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me

but then we where also taught without any biblical backup that we could pray to his mother Mary for intercession

and now we are to accept the claim of Islam, and accept Muhammads method of communicating with God is valid and all his Barbaric Doctrines about Christianity a man who worshiped God in a way 110% different from the Christian doctrine?? The Pope Should be organizing peaceful debates between Christian and Muslims scholars and not praying in the mosque.


5. How do Christian Evangelists, Missionaries and Apologist now Prove to Muslims that indeed they are the ones been misguided, when the Pope is trying to validate their invalid claim to Divinity?


6. The Biggest Abomination of all was praying while facing the Ex-pagan shrine in Mecca called Kaaba 

I mean even though i had my reservations of Catholics praying to God why facing a statue of Jesus or Mary which they claim helps them concentrate and meditate better, but facing an ex-pagan Shrine is certainly a No No for me, who knows the Pope might have even called God ”Allah” instead of teaching the Muslims the accurate way of worshiping God, Which is Channeling Prayers Through the Holy Name of Jesus to his father YHWH the Pope went adopting their ideology.


7. After the Pope finished Praying inside the mosque the Grand Mufti of Istanbul, Rahmi Yaran, said to him “May Allah accept it,”  before Islam the word ”Allah” was associated with Paganism and the arabic word recognized for ”God” was then ”Ilah” well as a Christian i do not channel my prayers in the name of Allah whether it means ”God” in arabic or not i only do it in the name of Jesus so surely the God of Christianity can never receive such prayers neither will he accept it unless the catholic church wants to now add Muhammad and Allah as new intercessors for our prayers??


8. There can never be 2 last prophets its very simple its either Jesus was the Last Prophet,son of God and the Messiah and Prophet Muhammad was Just an Impostor or Just maybe Jesus was a mere muslim prophet who preached about the coming of Muhammad and if that is so all Christians are indeed Misguided and are all condemned to hell.


9. Light and Darkness have no business been together.

2 Corinthians 6:14 – Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and wickedness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15 Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

The Pope has clearly falling prey to the lies and deceits of Islam as I can Authoritatively  put it to you that No Muslim on earth can ever go to the church in the Vatican city and bow to the statue of Jesus or Mother Mary there while Directing Their Prayers to it, Even an Aboki who sells suya cannot commit such Abomination talkless of the Grand Mufti of Istanbul, Rahmi Yaran, or the king of Saudi Arabia or any top Muslim Cleric. so this is a kind gesture which will never be returned. 


10.  on November 24 2013 the pope said ”for authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.” then on his way back on the plane last night he said ”It is wrong to equate Islam with violence” these statements are 100% inaccurate dear Pope Francis please pick up a Quran and see for yourself.

The Quran Says Only Muslim Are Best Of Creatures

Quran 3:110 – You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah . If only the People of the Scripture(Christians and Jews) had believed (In Islam), it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient.

Well See what the Quran says about us Christians, It Says We Are The Worst Of Creatures

Quran 98:6 – Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture(Christians and Jews) and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures

I find this Hilarious that the Pope Ignorantly went and associated with People who believe that Christianity was born out of Misconception and that all Christians including the Pope himself is already condemned to Hellfire, we are not on the other hand suppose to cut them off completely but rather invite them to ”The Light” Christianity in a very peaceful way afterall Jesus said  in;

Mark 12:31 – …’Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

So as Christians we are to shower Muslims with love and continue to tell the the truth till they one day  decide to follow

Quran 9:29 – Fight those ((Why???)) Who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful And who do not adopt the religion of truth Islam  from those who were given the Scripture(Christians and Jews ) – fight until they Pay the Jizyah (Tax Unbelievers Pay In Islam Dominated Countries) willing sumission, and feel themselves Subdued. This was one of the final “revelations” from Allah and it set in motion the tenacious military expansion, in which Muhammad’s companions managed to conquer two-thirds of the Christian world in the next 100 years.  Islam is intended to dominate all other people and faiths. 

Quran (3:151)“Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah(Trinity), for which He had sent no authority”.

Quran (8:39) – “And fight with them until there is no more fitna[Disbelief] and religion all of it, should be only for Allah”

Quran (5:33) – “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger [Imagine A True Christian Who dedicates his life to Converting All Muslims Alive to Christianity Through Evangelism, what war against Islam could be worse than this?]  and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be exiled; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement”

but still as True Christians we are to shower Muslims with unconditional love afterall Matthew 5:44 says all that needs to be said.

Matthew 5:44 – …But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven.




  1. Lord Jesus come quickly!!!

    • Dis guy shld ask God to open his eye in readin th bible. ‘Jesus said, is not what one eat that makes dem unclean… N d other one says.I did not come for the good lovin ppl.. He came for sinners if not Jesus wld ve been wit d priest n not preach to the gentiles.’


  2. Leave religious setiment out of it, and stop talking like a fool mr admin!

  3. stilck to winnin souls coz religion is nt a game u fool.christ sent us to call others to hm nt to divide people.fine the pope ws wrong to u then u do the ryt thng


  4. i de sure say even Jesus de shake head for you now….. u say u be chriatian extremist, o boi na christian kolo-mentalist u b oooo

  5. God bless you so much @Somto……..its a pity amny christian didn’t see any wrong in this, na wa oooo. Please try and get the books GJO Moshay wrote, one of them is WHO IS THIS ALLAH. You’ll know better. Bless you bro.

  6. This will be my first comment to any blog,, and I totally agree with what the admin had said but its a pity we christians are too blind to see the truth,, the pope is a god to the christians so they can’t see anything wrong in that but I believe if the likes of Pastor Chris or TB Joshua must have done it then it will be classified as a sin or taboo

    Seriously I don’t get it why they Catholic pray thru Marry instead of Jesus and now to a statue

  7. If men were God, I wondered why someone are having unnecessary anxiety over less important thing. What matter in life is your relationship with God. God sees and understand these religions, I have good Muslim and Christians as friends and also there are bad Muslim and Christian, you should be more concerned about how you treat others or say bad things about others in life. Try to maintain peace where ever you are or with your comments, Jesus came for the sinners and not the righteous. Your life is what matter to God, work your salvation and let God be the Judge and don’t try to help God because God can help himself. Live and let live pls.

  8. Mr Somto, u cannot misguide one whom God has guided n guide one whom God has misguided… D pope happens 2b ur leader, he wasnt forced 2 pray cos religion of islam doesnt permit any1 2 force Islam on any1.. Jst as u try 2 mak d unbeleivers know dey wuld burn in hell if dey dont repent, it doesnt mean dey wuld burn but only if dey refuse 2c reasons n accept ur God… So does d Quran warns d unbeleivers too, if any1 accepts Islam also, dey are saved from d warnings it gives… So, do u think u are an Unbeliever? If NO, why does it borthers u? CHECK MARK 12 VS 29…. Jesus giving d first of all commandment saying ” Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is ONE… And dis is still wat d muslims believes, dat God is One… Jesus baptized sayin, God d father, d Son and d Holy Spirit… NOT God d Father, God d Son n God d Holy Spirit, he neva included GOD in d son n holy spirit dats y he neva asked u to worship him anywhere in d Bible… Even wen a man came to him to know how to get eternal life, he neva told d person not to worry dat he would die for d persons sins but he listed d ten commandment n ask him to keep 2 dem…. Jesus neva said he can do anytin by himself but wuld say it d Father dat did it n also told u, d Father who sent him is Greater dan him… D bible said in JERIMIAH 31 VS 30… D father shall not bear d inequity of d son n vise versa… Saying dat ur sins wuld b carried by u alone… U steal or fornicate n u say dey shuld hold Jesus responsible for wat u did, how is dat possible?? So, just acquire more knowledge Mr Somto n dont b biased… U tink all d Christians wuld get to Heaven ryt? READ MATHEW 7 VS 21, 22-23 where it said it not all dose who calls Lord Lord dat wuld enter d kingdom of Heaven.. Is it not d Christians dat are fond of saying Lord? Dats wat d Quran said dat dey are some Christians dat truly believed, ARE THERE NO CHRISTIANS WHO BELIVs JESUS IS NOT GOD OR THE SON OF GOD…???… dey are…. So, am nat insulting or quarrelin here… Jst mak proper reasarch n b truthful to yourself.. People only want to destroy d religion of Islam if not, dont u hav muslims in ur area?? Hav dey killed u?? Only ignorant people kill anoder cos dey lack d tru knowledge… Check LUKE 24 VS 36-43 where he told dem he was not a spirit n not dead or DO YOU THINK GOD CANNOT SAVE HIM FROM CRUCIFYTION OR MAKE DEM NOT TO KILL HIM? Almighty God can do more dan dat.. Remember where he prayed to b saved frm death? In MARK 26 VS 39 where he went a litu farther n fell on his face and prayed sayin, O My Father, if it is possible, let dis Cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as i will but as You will…Check d meanin of CUP in Christian Dictionary, it means death…. In HEBREW 5 VS 7, tells u how Jesus was saved by God from death (crucifytion)… And d Quran tells u dat God said, Jesus wasnt killed but was made to seem so dat he was… Is it impossible for God to do so?… Did u Read where d bible told u itself dat d bible has been turned into a lie by d pen of those who wrote d bible in JEREMIAH 8 VS 8… SO, jst make ur research please.. Thank u..

  9. So now muslims are unbelievers abi.better go and recocile with God cos u just spoke ill about his chosen ones.trash.

  10. I appreciate what Awolu Peter said dont ever judge bcos u are not in the position to do that. Christian or Muslim we are frm one God. religion has so killings n wars why dont stop this rubbish and giv peace a chance.

  11. Jesus loves You and that is y He died for us.My Prayer is just that God should give us d revelation of that Jesus Christ is d mediator between God and men. Jesus loves you.

  12. u ar a big fool fr saying dt abt islam.do u tink u kw better dn him dt wnt to to dy musqe or wht,is nt dt we ma wntend it since u kw ur religen is tru dn stay to it nd take out ur dog nose out of our’s.dts y pple lyk u ar dy cuz of our problems of today.fool

  13. Lol…omoh everybody get him life to live,pope know wah he is doing…u jst chill n follow ur God ur way

  14. Fool of sidon mock themslves!! My bible is my mirror and jesus is my only perfect example; many pple ill end up in hell despite dier title here on earth. Heaven is 4 dos who are spotless nd witout wrinkles @ d second comin of “JESUS“ Make ur way right wit God 2day

  15. The truth remains that both religions believe in proselytizing as commanded by GOD through their respectives Holy Books.
    For d Holy Bible, it says “…, he dat believes shall be saved and he that believes not shall be damned”. But that damnation of he who refuses to believe is never commanded to be decided by us d christians. The judge and d only determinant of everyone’s fate is GOD.
    There shouldn’t be force conversion of any into any religion, and so also sholdn’t there be cruel extermination of lives and properties of those who decline on any proselytic invitation from other religon.
    It is quite execrable that d veritably holy Quran supports and encourages forceful indoctrination that gives those who believe in it, the temerity for commiting those dastardly acts, all in the name of expressing their fealty to their Allah _ the author of the Quran.
    Quite dismal and abysmal was that action of the Christain Cleric (the Pope), does he think that by doing so, treaty and amity will be reached between the two religions? The answer is no. It can’t just work as long as Christians are still
    confessing Jesus, recognising Him as d Son of d living GOD, believing His death by crucifixion for d sins of the World and acknowledging His Resurrection that symbolizes His victory over death and above all, His ascension to Heaven and the promise that He is coming back to take us to d Father (God), which is our hope.
    All, those analytical fact about JESUS are abominations, errors and lies to the Islam even till tomorrow.
    I give my unmitigated support for the Blogger becos no islamic cleric can concur to coming inside Church and offer prayers to God in d name of JESUS.

  16. It is a great pain in the neck that christians are now blind, deaf and cannot read signs. If only som of u knws d origin of Islam nd how d koran was given to muhammed by a demon-posibly one of d lower ranked angels wu took sides wit Lucifer durin d tym of his rebel- den u wil knw dat it is a total demonic religion. It is very unfortunate dat most catholics stil do not knw dat d Vatican nd d church as a whole is now ruled and controld by d Freemason. D church itself is pure nd perfect bt thos incharge hav dified it. Pope Francis is frm d Jesuit order of priesthood wich ordinarily makes him an authomatic Mason. Bt all these are knwn only to very few scholars. I wud nt blame pope Francis for doin dis bcos he has lots of assignments to do wich is in line wit d actualisation of d ONE WORLD GOVERNMEN, nd perhaps dis is among d jobs. Am very sure many of u stil dnt knw abt it. Perhaps it dozint mata. Let us just kip prayin nd try to build a cloz relationship wit God cos datz much mor important. Tnx and God bless u all. AMEN. jondpreacher.wordpress.com

  17. God need punish u small. it is because of people like you that i hate religion. But, i commenting because, i hate stupid people more. Anyway, God is one. Allah shi Daya. If muslims don’t worship what we see.Then they worship what they can’t see. Even Ancient Romans Worshipped the unknown God and Paul told them who that God was. Pope Francis is trying to make peace reign and because you are looking for fame u don’t care how many people boko haram will kill for writing this useless peice. Just write another nonesense, i will set aside my blog just to insult only u. Idiot

  18. talking to a full will make u no defrent from it

  19. How dumber can this get ? So now in ur dirty mind you undertsant chritianity more than the pope ? Have you not heard about the cleansing in CAR n Israel enven brunei, since you claimed ts only muslims that kills ? You need to b enlightened. Keep your silly idea in your stinking head, I wonder why most SAfrica peeps love complication n misguidance. Smh for you mister extremist

  20. u need to remove the log of wood in ur eye so as to be able to remove little atom, u wastn ur time, u r pharise who questione Christ while dining with sinners, He is not as foolish as u do.

  21. Allaah says: “….This day, those who disbelieved have given up all hope of your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion…..” Q5:3. No religion can take u to paradise except Islam as Allaah will never accept anything from anyone except Islam . TAKE HEED!!!

  22. May God help us..I love u brother… but I hate your post..if Jesus preached lyk u…xtainity would ve gone into extinction…. somtimes I shed tears just bcos some pple will labour hard on religion but end up in hell..is anything wrong in serving one God?…did d lykes of moses,abraham or Noah worship any..except God.. did Jesus himself worship anyone except God…y fault Islam DAT preaches the worshiping of one God…we are all brothers and sister in humanity. y seperating us admin?



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